Are you driving in Dubai and need to know the ins and outs of the Black Points System? If so, you’ve found the proper site! In this blog post, we’ll discuss how the Black Points System works in Dubai, how to remove it from your license, and how to check the number of points on your license.

This post is designed to help ensure you stay safe on the roads in Dubai and avoid unnecessary punishments or fines.

What are the Black Points in Dubai?

The Black Points System in Dubai is a fine system that tracks and enforces traffic violations. When drivers commit a traffic offense, they are assigned a certain number of points on their license. These points act as a warning and deter drivers from committing further crimes. The more points a driver accumulates, the closer they face penalties such as license suspension or even vehicle impoundment.

How are Black Points Earned on a License in Dubai?

In Dubai, points are earned on a license when a driver commits a traffic offense. The number of points assigned to each offense varies depending on the severity of the violation. Common traffic offenses resulting in traffic fines include:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving
  • Running red lights
  • Not wearing a seatbelt

The more serious the crime, the more points are added to the driver’s license. Drivers need to be aware of the specific offenses that can earn them points to ensure they drive safely and avoid accumulating too many black or dark points.

How to Check Black Points on Your License

  1. Firstly, you must visit the Dubai Police website and see the “Traffic Services” section.
  2. Select the “Traffic Fines” option and click “Inquire and Pay Fines”.
  3. You will then be prompted to enter your license plate number and other necessary information.
  4. Once you submit the details, you can view any points accumulated on your license.
  5. It’s essential to regularly check your points to stay informed and take steps to remove them.

Understanding the Penalties for Excessive Black Points in Dubai

Understanding the Penalties for Excessive Black Points in UAE is crucial for all drivers. Drivers who accumulate too many points on their license face serious consequences. These penalties range from fines and mandatory driving courses to license suspension and even vehicle impoundment. It’s essential to be aware of the specific penalties associated with exceeding the point limit in Dubai to ensure you drive safely and avoid unnecessary punishments.

  1. Speeding: 4 to 12 points, depending on the degree of over-speeding.
  2. Running a red light: 8 points.
  3. Using a mobile phone while driving: 4 points.
  4. Reckless driving: 23 points.
  5. Exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than 60 km/h: 23 points.

How to Remove or Reduce Black Points from Your License in Dubai

There are ways to remove them and maintain a clean driving record.

  1. One option is to attend a defensive driving course, which can help you learn safe driving techniques and earn you a reduction in points.
  2. Another option is to maintain a clean record for a specific period, which can result in the removal of points.

It’s essential to take these steps to ensure you don’t face any further penalties and to keep your driving record in good standing.

Read Also: Top Tips on How to Remove Black Points from Your License in Dubai

Tips for Avoiding Black Points on Your License in Dubai

To avoid accumulating black or dark points on your license in Dubai, practicing safe driving habits is essential.

  1. Always obey the speed limits, traffic signals, and road signs.
  2. Avoid reckless driving behaviors such as tailgating and sudden lane changes.
  3. Make sure to wear your seatbelt at all times and avoid using your phone while driving.
  4. Additionally, stay updated on the current traffic regulations and be aware of any changes.

Being a responsible and cautious driver can significantly reduce the risk of earning points on your license and maintain a clean driving record.


In conclusion, understanding and respecting Dubai’s traffic fines System is crucial for safe driving. Regularly check your points; if you accumulate any, attend defensive driving courses or maintain a clean record to remove them.

To avoid black issues, drive responsibly by obeying traffic rules signals and avoiding distractions or reckless behavior. Prioritizing these practices promotes road safety and helps maintain a clean driving record in Dubai.