What are Black Points?

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the traffic authorities use a system of “black points” to monitor and enforce traffic violations. When a driver commits a traffic offense, they receive a specific number of black points depending on the severity of the violation. For example, running a red light might result in more points than a minor speeding violation. Accumulating a certain number of black points within a specified period can lead to the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license. The duration of the suspension depends on the number of points accumulated, and in some cases, drivers can attend mandatory training courses to have these points removed from their record. Continued accumulation of black points even after a license suspension can result in the permanent revocation of the driving license.

Checking Your Driving Record

Accessing your driving record in the UAE is a straightforward process that allows you to stay informed about the status of your black points and overall driving history. To check these points, you can use various convenient methods provided by the UAE’s traffic authorities. One of the most common and accessible ways is through the official website of the traffic department, where you can log in with your driver’s license details and view your black points summary. Alternatively, the UAE’s Traffic Police app, available on both Android and iOS platforms, offers a user-friendly interface for black points inquiry and other essential driving-related services. Additionally, drivers can inquire about their points by sending an SMS to the designated number with their license details. Keeping track of your driving record regularly empowers you to take corrective actions if necessary and reinforces a culture of responsible driving and compliance with traffic laws in the UAE.

Common Traffic Violations

Understanding the common traffic violations and their corresponding points is essential for every driver to stay vigilant and avoid potential penalties. Minor offenses like exceeding the speed limit by a small margin or not wearing a seatbelt may result in fewer black points, typically ranging from one to four points. Moderate violations, such as running a red light or using a mobile phone while driving, often carry a higher penalty of around four to six points. Serious infractions, including reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or causing accidents with injuries, can lead to a significant number of points, potentially up to twelve or more. Once twenty four points have been earned, your driving license will be suspended.


UAE authorities at work, handling traffic violations and black points.


Disputing Points: Know Your Rights

In the UAE, drivers have the right to dispute black points that they believe have been wrongly assigned to their driving records. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is crucial to be aware of your rights and the available options for resolving the matter. To begin, gather all the necessary evidence and documentation that can support your case, such as photographs, witnesses’ statements, or any other relevant information that challenges the accuracy of the black points. Once you have compiled the evidence, you can initiate the dispute process by visiting the nearest traffic department or using the official online channels designated for black points inquiries. The authorities will review your case and the provided evidence to make a fair determination. In some instances, attending a hearing may be required to present your case further. Understanding the process of disputing black points empowers drivers to protect their driving records from undeserved penalties and ensures a transparent and accountable traffic enforcement system in the UAE.

Clearing Black Points

Drivers also have the opportunity to clear black points from their records by voluntarily attending defensive driving courses. These courses are designed to educate drivers about safe driving practices, road awareness, and techniques for avoiding potential hazards. By enrolling in an approved defensive driving program, drivers can have a certain number of black points deducted from their record, providing an incentive to improve their driving behavior and reduce the risk of future traffic violations. The number of points cleared varies depending on the course’s duration and the traffic authority’s guidelines. 

Staying Informed

Staying aware about your black points record is a critical aspect of responsible driving and maintaining your driving license in the UAE. Regularly checking your driving record through official channels allows you to monitor your points and identify any potential discrepancies or errors. By staying proactive in managing these points, you can take corrective actions promptly, such as attending defensive driving courses or addressing any disputes that may arise. Overall, such points serve as a constant reminder to drive cautiously and abide by traffic laws, fostering a culture of responsible driving and road safety. With the convenience of online platforms and mobile apps offered by the UAE’s traffic authorities, checking your black points has become more accessible than ever.