Are you a resident of the Philippines seeking your upcoming vacation location? The Philippine passport is now rated 122 worldwide as of September 2023. Look nowhere else! In 2023, more than 38 nations will allow Filipino nationals to go there without a visa, giving them various intriguing and unique locations to discover. This blog article will discuss the top visa-free nations for Philippines residents for the future year.

Filipino Passport Holders Travel Without a Visa, 2023

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. Barbados
  3. Bolivia
  4. Brazil
  5. Brunei
  6. Cambodia
  7. Colombia
  8. Cook Islands
  9. Costa Rica
  10. Ivory Coast
  11. Dominica
  12. Fiji
  13. Haiti
  14. Hong Kong
  15. Indonesia
  16. Israel
  17. Kazakhstan
  18. Laos
  19. Macau
  20. Malaysia
  21. Micronesia
  22. Mongolia
  23. Morocco
  24. Myanmar
  25. Niue
  26. Palestine
  27. Peru
  28. Rwanda
  29. Samoa
  30. Singapore
  31. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  32. Suriname
  33. Taiwan
  34. Tajikistan
  35. Thailand
  36. Gambia
  37. Vanuatu
  38. Vietnam

Read More: UAE Passport Visa-Free Countries

Which Countries Issue E Visa to Filipino Citizens?

  1. Armenia
  2. Bahrain
  3. Djibouti
  4. Ethiopia
  5. Gabon
  6. Georgia
  7. Guinea
  8. India
  9. Kenya
  10. Lesotho
  11. Montserrat
  12. Qatar
  13. Russia
  14. São Tomé and Príncipe
  15. South Africa
  16. South Sudan
  17. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  18. Türkiye
  19. Ukraine
  20. Uzbekistan
  21. Zambia
  22. Zimbabwe

Read Also: UAE Passport without Visa Countries

Which Countries Issue Visa on Arrival to Filipino Passport Holders?

  1. Benin
  2. Burundi
  3. Cabo Verde
  4. Comoros
  5. Guinea-Bissau
  6. Iran
  7. Kyrgyzstan
  8. Madagascar
  9. Malawi
  10. Maldives
  11. Marshall Islands
  12. Mauritania
  13. Mauritius
  14. Mozambique
  15. Nepal
  16. Nicaragua
  17. Palau
  18. Papua New Guinea
  19. Senegal
  20. Seychelles
  21. Somalia
  22. Sri Lanka
  23. Saint Lucia
  24. Tanzania
  25. Timor-Leste
  26. Togo
  27. Trinidad and Tobago
  28. Tuvalu
  29. Uganda

Where Can I Enter Without a Visa with an APEC Card?

Suppose you possess a Philippine APEC business card. In that case, you are not required to have a visa to access the following countries:

  1. Australia
  2. Brunei
  3. Chile
  4. China
  5. Hong Kong
  6. Indonesia
  7. Japan
  8. South Korea
  9. Malaysia
  10. Mexico
  11. New Zealand
  12. Papua New Guinea
  13. Peru
  14. Russia
  15. Singapore
  16. Thailand
  17. Taiwan
  18. Vietnam